There's no easy answer when it comes to who gets paid more, Angular or React developers. It depends on a number of factors, including the specific skill set of the developer in question, the location of the job, and the nature of the project.
That said, Angular Developers do tend to command higher rates than React developers on average. This is because Angular is still widely used in large organizations, where the need for high-quality developers is always present. React, on the other hand, is more popular with startups and smaller companies.
As such, there is less demand for highly-skilled React developers. However, React developers who do have the necessary skillset can expect to command a higher rate than their Angular counterparts.
Angular and React are two of the most popular front-end frameworks, used by developers all over the world. But who gets paid more? Angular or React developers?
The answer may surprise you. While Angular and React developers both have the potential to earn a great salary, there is no real advantage for either one when it comes to compensation.
The top-paying companies who use one framework would hire people with no experience in that framework (but otherwise solid front-end skills) because they assume, rightly so, that a new employee can learn a framework. So, when it comes to potential compensation, there is no advantage for either React Development or Angular Development.
Of course, the most important factor in getting a high-paying job is your skillset. No matter which framework you use, if you're a great developer with a solid understanding of front-end development principles, you'll be in high demand and can command a high salary.
So if you're looking to improve your career prospects and earn a higher salary, focus on becoming the best developer you can be, and learn as many different frameworks as you can. Then you'll be able to take your pick of the best jobs out there, regardless of which framework they use.
Also, Read this - AngularJS vs ReactJS: Which One is Best for Next Front-end Development Project?
However, that doesn't mean that Angular and React developers are equally in demand. In fact, React developers are currently more in demand than Angular developers, according to the latest data from JumpGrowth. So if you're looking for a new job, you may have an easier time landing a position as a React developer than as an Angular developer.
JumpGrowth is the best place to find high-quality Angular and React developers. We have a network of top Angular and React developers from all over the world, so we can help you find the perfect developer for your project no matter where you're located.
And because we're a development agency, we can also provide you with all the resources you need to get your project off the ground.